Several opinions on possible improvements:
-"Have Martinez and Tito argue with each other". Good in theory, but myself and Martinez can't get online at the same time to maybe argue over AOL one night.
-"Have more topics". Good idea, too, but I'm sure if we ran more topics, we'd have a chance of running out of things to talk about each week, especially since we mostly cover one federation, the WWE.
-"Have more people's opinions". Myself and Martinez disagree on topics at time, so a one on one battle seems to be the best thing. However, you can easily participate on, which I'll post the questions after I posted the column. Also, I'm sure that in the future, myself or William won't be able to fill the roles due to a schedule conflict, so you could see a new person filling in, possibly someone else from the LoP Staff or my good pals from the LoP Forums, Schwab and Da Ref or anyone else.
Again, this column is very based on the ESPN version of "Fact or Fiction", as witness on Sportscenter on a regular basis.
Please e-mail all feedback to William Martinez at or to Mr. Tito at
1) FACT OR FICTION: Hulk Hogan will last past the King of the Ring.
William Martinez: This is definitely FICTION. In fact, I would be surprised if Hulk Hogan lasts in WWE until Backlash, let alone King of the Ring. The only way I could see Hogan remaining in WWE until then would be to hype a possible match with Steve Austin and maybe even Shawn Michaels. While I don't know the specifics of Hogan's new WWE contract, I would suspect that he is being paid per appearance but with an influx of new and returned talent recently, and more coming very soon, there just doesn't seem like there's room for Hogan.
Mr. Tito: I can't help but agree with Martinez. This is FICTION. I actually don't see Hogan lasting past Backlash. Hogan's knee is barely held together, which he clearly states in his book, and not every crowd in North America can give him 20 minute ovations. Besides, as it has been seen in 2001, television viewers aren't giving him ovations, as when he was Undisputed Champion, ratings actually went down. I not only seeing the nostalgia of Hulkamania dying again, but I see another creative or monetary conflict happening with Vince McMahon again. He should just wrestle Vince and retire with a great career behind him.
2) FACT OR FICTION: Raven will experience a rebirth in his wrestling career in NWA-TNA.
Mr. Tito: Completely FICTION. Raven isn't a younger wrestler anymore. He was at his best in ECW when he could put his body on the line and bring excitement towards his character. Believe it or not, his best ECW run in 1997 was almost 6 years ago! Years of wear and tear on his body hurt his wrestling ability, and his character lost its edge during his days in WCW. He'll just be another WWE send off in a federation who will sign anybody who was once in the WWE.
William Martinez: I disagree and call this a FACT. While I don't follow TNA that closely, it's apparent by his TNA debut this past Thursday that the company has big plans for him. Raven has always had a cult following and TNA seems like the perfect environment right now for him to thrive in.
3) FACT OR FICTION: Another Steve Austin vs. Rock match will be yet another successful headliner at this year's Wrestlemania.
William Martinez: This is a FACT. My feeling is that The Rock will go on a very successful heel run. Hell, he hasn't even returned to television yet and a simple mention of his names draws more and more boos each week. Couple this with the fact that Steve Austin's return, which fans have been clamoring for months, is imminent and I feel there is a lot of money to be made in this matchup. Steve Austin and The Rock have always had a good chemistry together and it is definitely one of the better modern day feuds.
Mr. Tito: This is very much FICTION. Can the WWE give us something new? I mean, their first 2 matches were good, but that was 1999 and 2001. Welcome to 2003, where neither man is as popular to WWE fans as they were before. Austin in the lead role is proven not to draw ratings now, while the Rock is hated for being away to act many times. We need something fresh. Why not take a million dollar chance at getting in Bill Goldberg to drive up Wrestlemania buyrates? What's killing the WWE lately is the fact that they fail to deliver "new" things to fans.
4) FACT OR FICTION: Team Angle is the best product to ever come to the WWE from Ohio Valley Wrestling.
Mr. Tito: This is FACT. The creation of Team Angle is going to do more for Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin than any other OVW wrestler, as compared to bringing in a wrestler to be an instant "hoss" (Brock Lesnar), a babyface (Cena), a deacon (Batista), a homosexual manager (Rico), or a 3rd generation superstar (Orton). They brought them in as a team and put them under Angle's wing. Just being called "Team Angle" gives them instant name recognition, and together, they are an effective tag team. Just look at Smackdown lately, and you'll see them wrestling well in singles matches, and fans react to them because they know of the tag team called Team Angle. Great way to be brought to the WWE roster.
William Martinez: No way, this is FICTION. Sure the two have spectacular ability but by being associated with the most over person in WWE in Kurt Angle, I think gave Charlie and Shelton a jump start that very few get the opportunity to start with. Neither have shown that much charisma either but if this question is being asked simply in terms of wrestling ability, I would say they are the best product to come out of OVW. But if you're talking in terms of overall character, I have to go with Brock Lesnar. He has been able to hang with all the top guys and had The Undertaker's best match in years.
5) FACT OR FICTION: Rob Van Dam would make a great World Champion.
William Martinez: It's a FACT. I definitely think it's time that Rob Van Dam held the World Championship and in my opinion, he has the fans, ability and charisma to make a great World Champion. I would compare his initial title run to that of Shawn Michaels, but I think Van Dam needs to win the title on a large stage (Wrestlemania or Summerslam) to give his title run the maximum impact.
Mr. Tito: I disagree, brother. FICTION all the way. I used to support Rob Van Dam, but when it gets down to it, he's a wrestler with HORRIBLE speaking skills and repetitive offense. Plus, his doped up look doesn't show any intensity. He never looks angry during any point of his matches. He just acts like it's always 4:20 and not time to wrestle with that extra edge to get him over the top. Keep him in the midcard where he'll have no Intercontinental title to fight over, unfortunately.
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